This page presents some of the projects that are carried out at one
or several ICOS Sweden stations. The list is far from complete,
but is intended to give an idea about what is going on at the stations.
If you have ideas to carry out some research within our network or just want to visit our stations please fill in our web form. You are welcome!

ACTRIS is a European Research Infrastructure for the observation of aerosol, clouds, and trace gases.
Contact for Hyltemossa:
Adam Kristensson, Department of Physics Consortium for Aerosol Science and Technology, Lund University, adam.kristensson@nuclear.lu.se
Contact for Norunda:
Radovan Krejci, Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (ACES), Stockholm University, radovan.krejci@aces.su.se
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Effects of Forest Management and Natural Disturbance on Greenhouse
Gas Exchange in Boreal Forests

This project is focusing on how the exchange of greenhouse gases between the biosphere and the atmosphere is affected by different kinds of disturbance, both natural disturbances such as storms and by different forest management practices.
Contact for Hyltemossa and Norunda:
Patrik Vestin, Deptartment of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, patrik.vestin@nateko.lu.se
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Trenching experiment at Norunda

We study the different origin and dynamics of CO2 emissions on forest floor on a trenching experiment at ICOS sites on a latitudinal gradient. In practise, incoming roots were cut around small trenched plots and a fabric with the mesh size of 1 μm was installed to inhibit the ingrowth of new tree roots and soil fungi. Norunda is one of the four sites where CO2 emissions are measured on forest floor both on trenched and control plots.
Contact for Norunda:
Liisa Kulmala, Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki, liisa.kulmala@helsinki.fi
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Upscaling of surface greenhouse gas flux measurements

Forest management practices can alter soil conditions of boreal forests drastically, affecting the exchange processes of greenhouse gases between soil surface and the atmosphere. This study makes use of the effects of forest thinning and clear-cutting on the greenhouse gas budget at Norunda, in comparison with the undisturbed mature forest, to improve our understanding of greenhouse gas sources and sinks in the boreal landscape. Portable chambers with a high-precision laser gas analyser are used in combination with flux instrumentation mounted on towers and a so-called footprint model to determine the area of view of the tower instruments.
Contact for Norunda:
Natascha Kljun, Department of Geography, Swansea University, UK, n.kljun@swansea.ac.uk
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Monitoring of pesticides in atmospheric deposition

Within the Swedish environmental monitoring program pesticides are analysed in different compartments, including precipitation and air. The aim of this part of the program is to investigate long-term trends in atmospheric transport and deposition of agricultural pesticides and to follow-up on risk mitigation measures and regulation.
Precipitation is sampled at Norunda, starting in May 2017.
Contact for Norunda:
Jenny Kreuger (Jenny.Kreuger@slu.se) and Therese Nanos (Therese.Nanos@slu.se), Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
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Using an automated chamber system to investigate the component fluxes
of the CO2 and CH4 exchanges in a boreal peatland

The diurnal dynamics and controls of the individual component fluxes underlying the net CO2 and CH4 exchanges in boreal peatlands are currently not well understood. Such knowledge, however, is needed for improving process-based ecosystem models and to advance our understanding of global change impacts on the peatland carbon cycle.
Contact for Degerö:
Matthias Peichl, Department of Forest Ecology & Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Matthias.Peichl@slu.se
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Is the managed boreal forest landscape a carbon sink?

The goal of this project (2016-2018) is to estimate the carbon balance and to identify local sinks and sources across a managed forest landscape in boreal Sweden. The study is carried out in a typical managed forest landscape near the town of Vindeln, in the county of Västerbotten. It makes use of the well-established Krycklan and ICOS-Svartberget infrastructures which provide novel data of all terrestrial and aquatic carbon fluxes over a 68 km2 managed forest catchment.
In this study, the landscape carbon balance is estimated with two methods: i) a plot-based bottom-up approach and ii) tall tower eddy covariance measurements.
Contact for Svartberget:
Matthias Peichl, Department of Forest Ecology & Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Matthias.Peichl@slu.se
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Both projects, NordSpec and SITES Spectral, are an infrastructure for collecting spectral data for ecosystem monitoring.
Most of the ICOS Sweden stations are hosting one of the two projects.
Contact for Abisko-Stordalen, Degerö, Hyltemossa, Norunda, and Svartberget:
Lars Eklundh, Deptartment of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, lars.eklundh@nateko.lu.se
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