Check out the following variables for the last 7 days:
air pressure global radiation relative humidity
air temperature wind speed and direction

Get here more information about the graphics and the data.

Air temperature    back to top
Östergarnsholm air temperature last 7 days

Relative humidity    back to top
Östergarnsholm relative humidity last 7 days

Air pressure    back to top
Östergarnsholm air pressure last 7 days

Global radiation    back to top
Östergarnsholm global radiation last 7 days

Wind    back to top
Östergarnsholm wind speed last 7 days

Östergarnsholm wind direction last 7 days

General information    back to top
Current weather data are shown in the graphics above. They are directly taken from the homepage of Uppsala University.

To get more information about the station: click here.

Due to the remote location of the station on an island without connection to the power grid, power issues can lead to problems with the data transfer and thus the continuous update of the graphics.