Check out the following variables for the last 48 hours:
air pressure carbon monoxide (CO) precipitation
air temperature global radiation relative humidity
carbon dioxide (CO2) methane (CH4) wind speed and direction

Get here more information about the graphics and the data.

Air temperature    back to top
Hyltemossa air temperature last 48 hours

Relative humidity    back to top
Hyltemossa relative humidity last 48 hours

Precipitation    back to top
Hyltemossa precipitation last 48 hours

Air pressure    back to top
Hyltemossa air pressure last 48 hours

Global radiation    back to top
Hyltemossa global radiation last 48 hours

Wind    back to top
Hyltemossa wind last 48 hours

Hyltemossa wind speed profile last 48 hours

Hyltemossa wind direction profile last 48 hours

Carbon dioxide (CO2)    back to top
Gaps in the data are mostly given by calibration periods of the instrument.
Hyltemossa carbon dioxide last 48 hours

Carbon monoxide (CO)    back to top
Gaps in the data are mostly given by calibration periods of the instrument.
Hyltemossa carbon monoxide last 48 hoNEWurs

Methane (CH4)    back to top
Gaps in the data are mostly given by calibration periods of the instrument.
Hyltemossa methane last 48 hours

General information    back to top
Data of the last 48 hours are shown in the graphics above. They are updated every hour, resp. daily for atmospheric gases. The graphics are generated automatically and show raw, i.e. not controlled values.

The graphics base on mean hourly values. Grey areas indicate missing values. Time information is given in local wintertime (UTC+1).

To get more information about the station: click here.