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Abisko-Stordalen has a long lasting history of climate and
vegetation research going back to the 1970s.
The Abisko area is located on the 0°C isotherm which causes the permafrost in the mire to be of sporadic and of very dynamic nature. As a result of recent years warming in the area permafrost has been observed to degrade in many parts of the mires.
The site hosts an ICOS ecosystem station.
The Abisko-Stordalen measurement site (68°21′N,
19°03′E, 360 m asl) is located within the sporadic
permafrost zone, adjacent to lake Torneträsk.
A large portion of the mire consists of a slightly
elevated drained area, altered by wetter depressions,
which are not underplayed by permafrost.
Abisko-Stordalen site is operated by the
Swedish Polar Research Secretariat
at their
Abisko Scientific Research Station.
The station principal investigator is
Janne Rinne (SPI).
You are welcome!
ICOS Sweden invites other research groups to use the infrastructure.
Please fill in our
web form.
Geology and Soil
The site represents a subtype of sub-arctic wetlands,
characterized by palsas. Peat depth is 1-3 m and permafrost
is usually found at depths below 0.5-1 m. The soil is
organic, with 99% organic matter content.
There are three different main types of surface structures:
- dwarf shrub-dominated palsas,
- moss Sphagnum dominated hollows, and
- cottongrass Eriophorum and sedge Carex dominated hollows.

The peatland in Abisko-Stordalen is fed only by precipitation,
i.e. it faces ombrotrophic conditions. Depending on soil water
content and microtopography, the plant
community structure and composition varies between:
- Dry ombrotrophic parts are dominated by crowberry Empetrum hermaphroditum, lingonberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea and cloudberry Rubus chamaemorus;
- semi-wet ombrotrophic parts by the sedge Carex rotundata and the cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum; and
- wet minerotrophic areas by the cottongrass Eriophorum angustifolium.

The Köppen climate classification characterizes the
climate in Abisko as humid subarctic with cold summers and
cold winters.
The annual mean temperature in Abisko is -0.1°C (data period 1981-2010) with increasing temperatures over the last decades (for the 1961-1990 normal it is -0.9°C).
The location is characterized by belonging to the driest regions of Sweden with a mean annual accumulated precipitation of 332 mm (data period 1981-2010, 10% more compared to the 1961-1990 normal). The low amount of precipitation has profound effects on the palsa features found on the mire.
The length of the vegetation period (i.e. days with a daily mean temperature above 0.4°C) is slightly longer than three months.

Non-ICOS Measurements
Besides standard ICOS measurements (see table below) laughing gas N2O
flux measurements, as an example, are carried out at the site.
For more detailed information please contact Thomas Friborg or Patrick Crill.
ICOS measurements
All related, continuous, automatic measurements are listed below in alphabetical order.
The measurements are carried out either on one of the three small towers,
at the earth surface or in the four soil pits. All measurements are
carried out within a distance of about 200 m of the igloo.
Variable | Measurement height (m) | |
air humidity | 1.3 | |
profile | 0.35, 0.69, 1.22, 1.88, 2.89 | |
flux system | 2.2 | |
air pressure | ||
air temperature | 1.3 | |
profile | 0.35, 0.69, 1.22, 1.88, 2.89 | |
flux system | 2.2 | |
carbon dioxide (CO2) | profile | 0.35, 0.69, 1.22, 1.88, 2.89 |
flux system | 2.2 | |
ground water level | 4x | |
ground water temperature | 4x | |
methane (CH4) | profile | 0.35, 0.69, 1.22, 1.88, 2.89 |
flux system | 2.2 | |
PAR | incoming and outgoing | 4.13 |
diffuse and total incoming | 4.27 | |
precipitation | 1.87 | |
snow depth | ||
soil heat flux | 4x together with each profile | -0.05 |
soil moisture | 4x together with each profile | 0.00 to -0.06 (vertical) |
soil temperature | 4 profiles | -0.02, -0.05, -0.1, -0.3, -0.5 |
solar radiation | incoming | 4.12 |
incoming and outgoing | 3.94 | |
sunshine duration | 4.27 | |
surface temperature | target temperature | |
terrestrial radiation | incoming and outgoing | 3.94 |
wind vector | flux system | 2.2 |
Peer-reviewed publications
- Jammet M., Dengel S., Kettner E., Parmentier F.-J. W., Wik M., Crill P., and Friborg, T. (2017): Year-round CH4 and CO2 flux dynamics in two contrasting freshwater ecosystems of the subarctic. Biogeosciences, 14:5189-5216, DOI:10.5194/bg-14-5189-2017
- Douglas P.M.J., Stolper D.A., Smith D.A., Walter Anthony K.M., Paull C., Dallimore S., Wik M., Crill P.M., Winterdahl M., Eiler J.M., and Sessions A.L. (2016): Diverse origins of Arctic and Subarctic methane point source emissions identified with multiply-substituted isotopologues. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 188:163-188, DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2016.05.031
- Hodgkins S.B., Tfaily M.M., Podgorski D.C., McCalley C.K., Saleska S.R., Crill P.M., Rich V.I., Chanton J.P., and Cooper W.T. (2016): Elemental composition and optical properties reveal changes in dissolved organic matter along a permafrost thaw chronosequence in a subarctic peatland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2016.05.015
- Thornton B.F., Wik M., and Crill P.M. (2016): Double-counting: a challenge to the accuracy of high-latitude methane inventories. Geophys. Res. Letts.,43:12569-12577, DOI:10.1002/2016GL071772, PDF [1MB]
- Wik M., Thornton B.F., Bastviken D., Uhlbäck J., and Crill P.M. (2016): Biased sampling of methane release from northern lakes: A problem for extrapolation. Geophysical Research Letters, 43:1256-1262, DOI:10.1002/2015GL066501
- Wik M., Varner R.K., Walter-Anthony K., MacIntyre S., and Bastviken D. (2016): Climate-sensitive northern lakes and ponds are critical components of methane release. Nature Geoscience, 9:99-105, DOI:10.1038/ngeo2578
- Jammet M., Crill P., Dengel S., and Friborg T. (2015): Large methane emissions from a subarctic lake during spring thaw: Mechanisms and landscape significance. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeoscience, 120:2289-2305, DOI:10.1002/2015JG003137
- Malhotra A. and Roulet N. (2015): Environmental correlates of peatland carbon fluxes in a thawing landscape: do transitional thaw stages matter? Biogeosciences, 12:3119-3130, DOI:10.5194/bg-12-3119-2015
- Hodgkins S.B., Chanton J.P., Langford L.C., McCalley C.K., Saleska S.R., Rich V.I., Crill P.M., and Cooper W.T. (2015). Soil incubations reproduce field methane dynamics in a subarctic wetland. Biogeochemistry, 126:241-249, DOI:10.1007/s10533-015-0142-z
- Tang J., Miller P.A., Crill P.M., Olin S., and Pilesjö P. (2015): Investigating the influence of two different flow routing algorithms on soil-water-vegetation interactions using the dynamic ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS. Ecohydrology, 8:568-581, DOI:10.1002/eco.1526
- Thornton B.F., Wik M., and Crill P.M. (2015): Climate-forced changes in available energy and methane bubbling from subarctic lakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(6):1936-1942, DOI:10.1002/2015GL063189
- Deng J., Li C., Frolking S., Zhang Y., Bäckstrand K., and Crill P. (2014): Assessing effects of permafrost thaw on C fluxes based on multiyear modeling across a permafrost thaw gradient at Stordalen, Sweden. Biogeosciences, 11:4753-4770, DOI:10.5194/bg-11-4753-2014
- Hodgkins S.B., Tfaily M.M., McCalley C.K., Logan T.A., Crill P.M., Saleska S.R., Rich V.I., and Chanton J.P. (2014): Changes in peat chemistry associated with permafrost thaw increase greenhouse gas production. PNAS, 111:5819-5824, DOI:10.1073/pnas.1314641111, PDF [1MB]
- Krüger J.P., Leifeld J., and Alewell, C. (2014): Degradation changes stable carbon isotope depth profiles in palsa peatlands. Biogeosciences, 11:3369-3380, DOI:10.5194/bg-11-3369-2014
- McCalley C.K., Woodcroft B.J., Hodgkins S.B., Wehr R.A., Kim E.-H., Mondav R., Crill P.M., Chanton J.P., Rich V.I., Tyson G.W., and Saleska S.R. (2014): Methane dynamics regulated by microbial community response to permafrost thaw. Nature, 514:478-481, DOI:10.1038/nature13798
- Mondav R., Woodcroft B.J., Kim E.-H., McCalley C.K., Hodgkins S.B., Crill P.M., Chanton J., Hurst G.B., VerBerkmoes N.C., Saleska S.R., Hugenholtz P., Rich V.I., and Tyson G.W. (2014): Discovery of a novel methanogen prevalent in thawing permafrost. Nature Communications, 5, Article number: 3212, DOI:10.1038/ncomms4212
- Tang J., Miller P.A., Crill P.M., Olin S., and Pilesjö P. (2015): Investigating the influence of two different flow routing algorithms on soil-water-vegetation interactions using the dynamic ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS. Ecohydrology, 8(4): 570-583, DOI:10.1002/eco.1526
- Wik M., Thornton B.F., Bastviken D., MacIntyre S., Varner R.K., and Crill P.M. (2014): Energy input is primary controller of methane bubbling in subarctic lakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(2):555-560, DOI:10.1002/2013GL058510
- Zhu Q., Liu J., Peng C., Chen H., Fang X., Jiang H., Yang G., Zhu D., Wang W., and Zhou X. (2014): Modelling methane emissions from natural wetlands: TRIPLEX-GHG model integration, sensitivity analysis, and calibration. Geoscientific Model Development, 7:981-999, DOI:10.5194/gmd-7-981-2014
- Dengel S., Zona D., Sachs T., Aurela M., Jammet M., Parmentier F.J.W., Oechel W., and Vesala T. (2013): Testing the applicability of neural networks as a gap-filling method using CH4 flux data from high latitude wetlands. Biogeosciences, 10:8185-8200, DOI:10.5194/bg-10-8185-2013
- Horst A., Thornton B.F., Holmstrand H., Andersson P., Crill P.M., and Gustafsson Ö. (2013): Stable bromine isotopic composition of atmospheric CH3Br. Tellus B, 65:21040, DOI:10.3402/tellusb.v65i0.21040
- Mortazavi B., Wilson B.J., Dong F., Gupta M., and Baer D. (2013): Validation and application of cavity-enhanced, near-infrared tunable diode laser absorption spectrometry for measurements of methane carbon isotopes at ambient concentrations. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(20):11676-11684, DOI:10.1021/es402322x
- Olefeldt D., Turetsky M.R., Crill P.M., and McGuire A.D. (2013): Environmental and physical controls on northern terrestrial methane emissions across permafrost zones. Global Change Biology, 19:589-603, DOI:10.1111/gcb.12071
- Wik M., Crill P.M., Varner R.K., and Bastviken D. (2013): Multiyear measurements of ebullitive methane flux from three subarctic lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 118(3):1307-1321, DOI:10.1002/jgrg.20103
- Lupascu M., Wadham J.L., Hornibrook E.R.C., and Pancost R.D. (2012): Temperature sensitivity of methane production in the permafrost active layer at Stordalen, Sweden: A comparison with non-permafrost northern wetlands. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 44:469-482
- Hasan A., Pilesjö P., and Persson A. (2012): On generating digital elevation models from liDAR data-resolution versus accuracy and topographic wetness index indices in northern peatlands. Geodesy and Cartography, 38(2):57-69, DOI:10.3846/20296991.2012.702983
- Wik M., Crill P.M., Bastviken D., Danielsson Å., and Norbäck E. (2011): Bubbles trapped in arctic lake ice: Potential implications for methane emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 116:G03044, DOI:10.1029/2011JG001761
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